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Music + Dance 1200x600

Music and dancing

Good for the mind and body

Music and dancing

Short-term community respite care with Southern Cross Care is all about tailored and meaningful activities that improve clients’ health and well-being. Playing or listening to music and dancing are activities that can be age-friendly, fun and engaging. Clients often enjoy music and dancing and may not have the opportunity to spend time on these activities without the support of our compassionate respite care services staff.

Music to my ears

Music is proven to be stimulating for the mind and emotions, helping people to socialise and encouraging physical movement. Although each individual’s taste in music is different, the safe environment of our centres or a client’s home are the perfect setting for relaxing and joining in with a dance, singing along, playing an instrument or even writing some poetry to perform. Our staff support community respite clients to engage in music and dancing to any level they are comfortable with - whether it’s performing a song on the piano, singing as a group or simply tapping their feet while others dance around the room.


Community respite

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