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Rodolfo finds new lease of life with the STRC program's help

Rodolfo Lupini

Rodolfo entered the STRC program with some major goals in mind in order to improve his overall quality of life.

Rodolfo’s goals included: Improving balance and reducing falls, increasing his overall strength, and improving his mobility.

Being an ex-boxer, he was keen to continue to exercise throughout the program. 

He and his wife Carla were extremely impressed with the progress he made throughout the 8-week program and mentioned it has changed both of their lives significantly. It has given Rodolfo a new lease on life. 

After completing the program, Rodolfo was able to complete a plethora of ADLs (activities of daily living) which he found difficult prior to the program. This included being able to sit and stand without using his hands or walking stick for assistance. He also improved his gait which allowed him to be more mobile and confident around the home and in public places. 

The STRC team would like to thank Rodolfo for his dedication to the program and congratulate him on his personal development/growth in his health journey. Image removed.