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Meals 1200x600

Preparing and sharing meals

Cooking and eating together

Good food and good company

Although our community respite care services in Adelaide, the Fleurieu Peninsula and Darwin provide short-term care, they aim to give clients long-term benefits. This means offering tailored and meaningful activities that contribute to clients’ well-being and their ability to live at home for longer. The food we use to fuel our bodies is essential to well-being, so cooking and sharing meals is a key activity for community respite clients.

Sharing is caring

Cooking meals is an activity enjoyed by many of our clients, so part of our philosophy is involving clients in making meals for the group. This involvement gives them a sense of responsibility and purpose, while allowing them to practice the everyday skill of meal preparation so they can live at home for longer. Research shows that when people share meals with others, not only do they enjoy it more, they are encouraged to eat more and even get more nutritional value out of the meal - all in addition to the social benefits of interacting with others in a comfortable and safe environment. The meals we share are healthy, hearty and delicious to boost everyone’s physical health and overall well-being.


Community respite

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