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Quizzes and Games

Activities for the mind

Thinking and problem solving

Our community respite services support people to live longer at home with improved well-being. A key activity in community respite therefore is stimulating clients’ minds with quizzes, games and brain training. Tailored activities such as these can help clients to use their memories, practical thinking skills and social skills among other important mental skills for everyday living.

Brainy Bunch

Keeping our clients’ minds active helps them to live at home for longer, and improves overall well-being - plus it can be a lot of fun! A common activity in community respite services, both offered at a centre or delivered at home, is a range of puzzles, quizzes and games. This includes games that promote physical activity, such as through using balls, balloons, pool noodles and other equipment to complete a challenge as a group or in competing against yourself. Puzzles, games and trivia are chosen in line with what clients will engage in the most and receive the most benefit from, not only for mental well-being but also for practising fine and gross motor skills and other everyday skills that promote independence.

The Pines community respite 33

Community respite

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